Gov spring shim fell


New member
Mar 8, 2009
Ok I read a write up on replacing gov springs on another forum and said you could use a good magnit to pull springs and shims out at once and what do you know the f'ers fell. I've been fishing for hours and no luck. Question is there a oil drain plug on the gov. to help me out with this. I see something that may look like a drain but don't what to touch it until i know for sure. Is the drain under and forward of the 7/8's plug that i used to change the springs out

Question two everyone with 160 pumps seem to have to install the idle shim, is that the larger shim that is under the bottom spring retainer. thanks guys
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Ive dropped shims In my pump and I was able to retrieve them within 5 minutes with just a 90* o-ring pick. If your hands aren't huge you can kinda feel around in there. Otherwise keep trying with your magnet.

The idle shims are under the biggest spring. I didn't have to do anything with my shims on my 160 pump to get it to idle right.
And the D-Bag of the year award goes to me!!! I dropped something under the truck and holly $hit two shims sitting on the ground right under the injection pump.
easiest way to do them is to take the AFC off the pump, take out your plate (throw it in the garbage while your at it) and do the springs through the top....


u owe me a box of beer now...

happy trails.

set them at initial click (u can barely feel it) +4 clicks. same on each side...

grab your favorite big ass flathead screw driver and grind it into a prong shape for the gov stud nut
And the D-Bag of the year award goes to me!!! I dropped something under the truck and holly $hit two shims sitting on the ground right under the injection pump.

Lol, that sux! LOL At least you found 'em though. :D

And the D-Bag of the year award goes to me!!! I dropped something under the truck and holly $hit two shims sitting on the ground right under the injection pump.

I bet you almost shat yourself from pure relief when you saw them on the ground LOL
I was in shock...The best thing is I put it all back together and everything is working fine. No extra parts except a fuel plate.
HAHA!!! is there a D bag of a year section on this forum. I think it's time to start one.
[QUOTEHAHA!!! is there a D bag of a year section on this forum. I think it's time to start one.][/QUOTE]

i bet that homofarms is up there on that list.