Grand Rock Exhaust - Ohio Truck Rally

not to kill the race crown but will there be more than ten trucks this year? unfortunatly my truck is still waiting on injectors.

Should be way more than 10 trucks. Weather is gonna be good through out the day...with a chance of rain late evening. We should have a good turn out.

Sorry guys i wont be able to go to ohio. I will be testing in NC fri and sat. Hope yall have a good time!

Good luck Wade. To bad you could'nt bring it to Ohio to test...LOL

Trucks loaded, fuel in the tank, I will be headed north in few hours.... See everyone tomorrow.

Hell, I just got off the phone with're half hour out...making some good time man.

Leaving for work now, gotta go finish up my job so I can head that way, I'll be towing another local truck up, following the S10 rig. Should be a blast!


Awesome! Hope ya'll can make it to the meet and greet. It starts at 7pm.

We're gonna be loading the trailer here soon...and heading out for some lunch. Then off to the meet and greet location to get set up. Got an email from Scott this morning...they Mass Diesel crew should be rolling in around 4 or 5 this afternoon. GONNA BE A BLAST! Mid 80's today...GREAT WEEKEND! Now all I need is a beer, and I'd be all set.
Man I wish I could make it...I wanna see the S10 with all my parts on it make a good pass:hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

But harvest is coming up, we're way behind, so I'll be here working all weekend:( :(

Have a good one guys!
Man I wish I could make it...I wanna see the S10 with all my parts on it make a good pass:hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

But harvest is coming up, we're way behind, so I'll be here working all weekend:( :(

Have a good one guys!

Damnit Chris. That really sucks. Oh-well. I'm sure they'll be keeping you posted as the day goes on.
Man I wish I could make it...I wanna see the S10 with all my parts on it make a good pass:hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

But harvest is coming up, we're way behind, so I'll be here working all weekend:( :(

Have a good one guys!

BS Chris. Wont there be another harvest next year? Just skip this one and come up to Thompson.:hehe:
Damnit Chris. That really sucks. Oh-well. I'm sure they'll be keeping you posted as the day goes on.

Yeah, they usually do...except it usually goes something along the lines of a picture of a blown up turbo and a message that says "Sorry"

:D :D :D

BS Chris. Wont there be another harvest next year? Just skip this one and come up to Thompson.:hehe:

Yeah, there will be...and hopefully it will be here at the normally scheduled time, and not 3 weeks early like this year. We are busting out asses in here, but have had so much stuff brought in in the last month for service work, we are out of room to park it. I'll be working all weekend on anything that I can get done to try and keep things moving:D

Trust me, I'd rather be up there, but if I don't do my job, no 1/2 ton project for me:D

Have a good race tomorrow all!!!
I'm heading up anyway. My other choice is yard work so... fukkit. I'm going.
No rain, not many trucks either. Mass diesel is setting up their dyno though so maybe that will draw more of a crowd.



Hey...there's me^^^…i had fun despite the rain, and it was killing me not to turn my box on and go fast but being the tow rig I didn't wanna take a chance.

Thanks for posting pics!

I'm really curious to see Robin's pics. Nothing like trying to point the truck away from the photographer in the burnout. :hehe:

It's too bad the rain came as we were lining up for the first round, but that seems to be Ohio for ya. I'm proud to see all four trucks in the pictures above!
So true Brandon. It was good to see you all again. Sucks we had rain AGAIN for the third year in a row.
Also sucks I didn't make it, but with the rain out, I am glad I stayed here and worked...yeah yeah, I know...but I needed to get some stuff done:D

No **** ... you won last year didn't you? not that there was much competition.

:hehe:I never win, plus I didn't go last year. I don't think so anyway.

Even though it rained out I had a great time. I have never met a Diesel person I did not like, and Saturday was no exception. Good times man.
Josh. Good to see you again buddy, but please look into a different tow rig. :0:ford:
Brandon. Thanks for pimping that red shirt.
I don't know if those other guys, Mike, John, Mick, and the two Dougs are on here, but thanks for letting Jim and I hang with Yunz. :Cheer: