Grid heater code and alternator problems


New member
Oct 10, 2010
Alright so I just got done swapping a 2nd gen steed and a s467 on my 06. The grid heater solenoid was in my way of my intake so I decided to remove it not thinking if need it since I gutted the heater as well. Well of course then it caused it throw a engine code. So today I thought il just hook the solenoid back up. Well went to do so, cleaned the crap off the cables and the one from the alternator as well and reinstalled. Well code is still showing up and now my trucks not charging and only showing 12 volts. Not sure what the deal is. Cable is tight. Also does the solenoid wire need to be connected to the heater to eliminate the code? How do guys get around this with a heater delete?
Anybody? I put the solenoid back on fixed the check engine light. Still have charging probs. took it by autozone he hooked tester up and it went to 14 volts and could tell all the electrical comments sounded different. Took it off truck dropped to 12v again. And the damn battery is venting vapor out the top. It doesn't make sense to me.
Maybe bad batteries? How old are the batteries? Could also be a PCM issue.

I got it fixed. I pulled the wire off from the altenator and put a voltmeter on it. It was making 37 volts which was causing the pass side battery to boil. So I done some research and found that when the ECM sees low voltage it tells the alt to up the volt output often caused by loose or dirty connections. Pulled off all battery cables cleaned them and tightened them. Now it reads about 14.5 volts both on the dash and with a voltmeter. Both batteries read 12 volts with cables off. Simple fix. These electrical systems on these trucks can be finicky.
Yep, friend of mine had a surging problem with the lights, cleaned all the battery terminals and cables and it fixed it.
