Guess its time


New member
Jun 20, 2011
I've been a member since last June but haven't introduced myself. I don't have a truck of my own so I figured you guys would run me out haha
I go to penn state for Ag engineering with a minor in off road equipment. When I'm not at school I live 15 minutes from mumau diesel
I make to to alot of the central/western PA pulls so there's a few familiar looking trucks here
I came here to researching stuff for my girlfriend's 05 5.9 that I try to do most of the work on (when we're aren't at school basically) her dad has an 09 6.7 that I get to play with sometimes



Well I've told y'all all about me now, I think I'm gonna go back to just creepin through the forum! haha
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nice trucks, good information on this site, just use search before asking a question and you will fit in just fine,
O yeah forgot about our other trucks, used to just ram/cummins forums we have an international 4900 with a dt466 and an 06 6.0 that had just turned 24k miles the last time I drove it

I'll be sure of it! It really annoys me when the same person starts 6 pointless threads a day haha
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