Gunk-Sulfur Substitute??


New member
Sep 16, 2007
Has anyone used this stuff? I believe its pretty new, but not sure. Its made by Gunk and its a sulfur substitute/additive. Had not heard anything about it on here. A guy i work with ran it in his D-Max and said it made his truck run quieter and smoother. Also said it darkened his smoke back up.

I got some today and put a bottle in our two trucks. Both '97 12 valves. I only drove mine about a mile up the road and back, but I did notice it quieted the motor some. My dad drove his home from work and said it also quieted his and darkened his smoke some also.

Its not much more than most other additives, about $4 a bottle and each treats up to 37 gallons. Ill keep you guys posted, and if anyone has any info or is using this let me know.

I put some in my tank. didnt realy notice if it make my truck smoke any more than normal, because it already smokes like a freight train! But atleast it will help the p-pump lube up some.
i just run good ole farm fuel! saves me that $4 and its locked untill 2009 for a hefty $3.04 a gal! HAHA
Normal diesel is at $2.80 here! LOL

Im running my second tank with this stuff, and I cant tell a whole lot of difference yet, but I know it cant hurt!
Try two stroke oil, bit cheaper and adds the lube properties you need.
I put a quart per 25 gals. I fill up when my guage reads 1/4 tank and it's around 25gals. I put 1/2 gal oil in my aux tank when I fill that since it's 50 gals.
i use 16oz every other tank. i dont run my truck till quarter tank, usually half.
The redline fuel additives cost around $5 for three tanks worth and my money says its better than the junk/gunk. None of them actually contain sulfur, they're just lubricrants/ solvents/ octane.