H1C or HX35 to make a hybrid?


New member
Oct 18, 2007
I've got 2 H1C's, 3 HX's laying in the garage. Which would be the better turbo to build a hybrid out of? Will be using the 60mm 6 blade wheel and corresponding housing from Gillet Diesel. I'm fairly sure that no matter which one I choose, it will need a rebuild prior to putting on the truck. So which one would you guys use? Going to be running a 14cm or 18.5cm non gated housing with it also, unsure at this point.
I dont think it matters which one you use as they both use the same turbine wheel?
I would use the H1C.

An H1C should have 4 bolts holding the compressor housing backing plate onto the center section of the charger.

On an HX35, the backing plate for the compressor housing is made onto the center sectiong of the charger. You cant unbolt it.

When you stick a bigger compressor wheel in either turbo, you will have to have the compressors backing plate machined a little larger to accept a bigger compressor wheel. On an HX35 you will either have to take the whole turbo to a machine shop, or send the whole turbo out to have it done. On a H1C, you can just take off the compressor backing plate, and either easily send it off, or take it to a machine shop and have it done. And A lot of places have the compressor backing plates that they send you with an H1C hybrid wheel, and you just send them your old one as a core for them to machine and send to someone else.

And, one other reason is that I like the clamp on style compressor housing on the H1C better than the clip on style of the HX35.
