Happy 40th To Hushpower Monster Driver DAVE


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Apr 23, 2006
I guess the good news is, hes not near as old as we all thought he was.:shake:LOL
Happy Birthday Dave! I'll be calling ya later and prolly seeing ya tomorow!
Happy Birthday Dave!

Hope big 4-oh isn't too "crushing" ... ... a blow. (Duh-dun-tisssshh)
Uh oh... Isnt 40 when the hair starts to fall out?? Oh wait nevermind.... If that was the case your way past 40 then!! Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Dave!!!! Don't let them get to you, you don't look a day over 50!
I tell you what with a birthday promise like THAT, what else could go wrong?:hehe::hehe:LOL

Well with the trip tomorrow we will never have to ask Dave why he doesn't want kids!:bang:hehe:
Sorry guys been on the road.Stopped by sleddys so I am useing his computer.Anyways thanks for the kind words.Sucks being this old , but again thanks.
Well when you get the age you are Dave you tend to forget things like your login for comp D or where your home is - things like that:hehe: