Having ppump line issues!! Any ideas?


Turbo ls to tturbo cummin
Jan 6, 2015
So I have a 01 cummins 24v with 13mm ppump, with a common rail head, 6x20 injectors, and running the .092 lines, I have had some issues with my lines leaking where they go into the head to seal to the crossover tubes, I have read that if they have been on and off a lot they can get warped and Leak, idk how many times they have been on or off so this could be it and I could just simply need new lines, which then I will go to .120's but I don't want to drop the $700 if it's not needed, I cleaned with very fine grit sand paper the end of the line where it's flanged to seal against the crossover tube, and did the same to the crossover tube where the line seals. This stopped my leak on my number 1 and I am going to do it to all of them to see if it works, but I've got them sealed up before then take it out n really get on it a couple times and it will be leaking again? Guy I got it from says its cuz it's cold out so they get cold then hot n it causes them to leak?? Any ideas?
I agree with big nasty try the tubes first And I'm not sure I would personally go that big of a line. Just haven't seen a thread where anyone had had good luck with them. They always seem to create other issues.
Ok awsome thank you much!! Yea I imagine crossover tubes are much cheaper than lines lol, so do the tubes usually go bad before the lines?? The tube I sanded on to clean up had like a little i desnt from someone overtightning it, when I cleaned it up smooth and put it back together it stopped so I'm thinkin you guys are correct on doin the tubes first, anyone agree with guy I got it from on it having to do with the cold weather here in Michigan??
O and thanks for the info on the bigger lines RDP, I just assumed they would be better! But the .092 feed it plenty of fuel, and I can still turn up the fuel, it's at 700cc now n can go to 1000 or 1100
Ok awsome thank you much!! Yea I imagine crossover tubes are much cheaper than lines lol, so do the tubes usually go bad before the lines?? The tube I sanded on to clean up had like a little i desnt from someone overtightning it, when I cleaned it up smooth and put it back together it stopped so I'm thinkin you guys are correct on doin the tubes first, anyone agree with guy I got it from on it having to do with the cold weather here in Michigan??

Thing with the tubes is a lot of people don't change them out when swapping injectors. So you may be getting one that has an odd forum to it. And cold could effect it, but a good sealed line shouldn't leak anytime.
I've always had good luck starting the engine, loosening the line letting it blow fuel out, and then tightening them back up.
Yea I agree RDP, if the line is sealed correctly then it shouldn't leak regardless of the temp outside, I get things swell n shrink with heat and cold but doesn't seem like that should be a big issues with these lines, and yea I have tried loosening then tightening them and it helped on some till you jump into it then they leak again, and I only have 2 leaking now, I'm thinkin the crossover tubes are most likely my problem, anyone know how much those should run me? And any certain ones I gotta have??
that truck actually needs the fuel turned down. and i would make sure of which tubes you need before buying anything. cr head takes different tubes. would need to know what line ends are at the cylinder head.
Yea I will deff make sure I'm getting the right ones if I even buy new ones, if I can polish them smooth and they seal I won't buy new ones, but why do you say the fuel needs to be turned down??
was there both times the truck was dyno'd. was flooding the truck out. it runs good but with some tuning that thing will be a monster.
I used to polish mine from time to time with a piece of sand paper to get rid of burrs. Blow them out good and put them back on. Never had a problem.
O ok gotcha well cool I'll have it tuned then, I'll have to find a good place here in Michigan, I hear lot good stuff about dirty hooker diesel, and yea that's what I'm thinking too about the lines so im going to clean my lines and crossover tubes
What kind of tubes are you running? Are lines meant for a VP style tube, or the CR tube?
Honestly Tate im not entirely sure, I'm new to this kinda and I know some but not a ton lol, how can I tell the diff? I know it has a common rail head, and I know what the tubes look like cuz I took the one out n cleaned it but that about it lol
Do you have regular ppump conversion lines or ones made to go from ppump to cr head? If there regular conversion lines you need a cross breed tube. Not exactly a VP or cr tube. If you don't, Jeff doesn't have them but you can get them from Scheid. If you have ppump to cr lines you need to run cr tubes. I have a ppump on cr head as well. Hope this helps
DHD is duramax. i don't know of any cummins guys that i'd let tune the truck that are in michigan
Thanks rucummins, it helps a little besides the fact that I'm honestly not sure haha, I mean I've looked at ppump line kits and it looks pretty much the same but I haven't seen a diff one in person so im not sure what it would look like, tonight I'll take some pics and then try to either post them or put in my album, what pics would be helpful to determine? I mean I know the lines but do u need a pic of tube as well or? And yea dhd said they Wernt sure if they would tune it n are calling back
I grew up south of Port Huron, if I'm ever back visiting the parents, I could give you a hand, but honestly, just read up on ppump tuning. It's not too hard if you understand what everything does.

I'm PMing you someone who would be worth talking to. Not a shop, just a guy who isn't an idiot ;-)