Heater core?


Surfing my own world
Jun 27, 2006
Ok my heater core let go today while racing a Hemi truck on my way home, I thought it was the head gasket but it pucked antifreeze all over the floor. Now how do I get it out of there? It is a 2001 if that matters.

Not a fun job, but doable, according to my FSM You'll have to bust loose the AC system and pull the dash out so you can get the HVAC assembly out of the truck.

Other than draining and recharging the AC system pulling the dash and HVAC assembly is not as bad as you think.
Oh come on I dont want to have to tear the hole dam truck apart to replace one stupid part. The more I drive this truck the more I hate it.

I did mine last year. Its intimidating at first but It went pretty well. You don't have to take the dash out completely but the passenger side needs to be raised up at an angle as far as possible. I did a search on TDR and came away with very good advice. Good luck. Jim
Thanks guys, just tired of fixing one thing to have three more things go wrong.

Plug the lines. The buy a good coat this winter. A lot easier than a new heater core. :hehe:
Dazed&Confused said:
Thanks guys, just tired of fixing one thing to have three more things go wrong.


Welcome to my life. I'd be a little concerned about how it busted while racing. Something doesn't seem quite right about that.
I think it was already leaking but when I started grabing gears it ran out of the box and down on to the floor. I unhooked it and looped the line on the engine so no more leaking on the floor.

Dazed&Confused said:
The more I drive this truck the more I hate it.


You know what Andy, I might have to put that quote right there in my signature!!LOL The more I drive my truck the more I want to drive into a gas pump and watch it burn! I've never had so much trouble with a stupid truck in my life........but DAMN I love the motor!

I hear ya Nick, I'm just waiting to find a nice Crew Cab Chevy or Ford to stick it in.

If you are going to really be running the dog pee out of it you might want to look at some pressure relief for the coolant system, clipped water pump vanes or some such.
All that is done to it is a comp, shouldnt have to start worrying about all that yet.
Make sure you replace the Evap core while you have the heater box out. They all go due to the Evap being on the very bottom of the box they rot out.
Here is a link to a thread over on the other site.
It's not hard to do just a lot of work. It'll take all day get some buddies and beerz to make the time pass by. Now what do i do with all those left over screws?:bang