Heavy Duty Steering Box?

Amish Elegance

May 1, 2006
Anyone know of a heavy duty steering box for 3rd Gens? The only one I can find is


Any others? I need a HD replacement, only 47k and the stocker is toast.:doh: Gonna get a DSS too, while I'm at it. Maybe I'll make this one live longer. Stupid sexy deep dish wheels. :kick:
i was also going to say psc but after i checked their site for a link i dont remeber seeing one for the 03 and up trucks??
Thanks for the replys.

Neither has one for third gen 4 bee, but I talked to my bro this eve. He got one for his '02 from PSC. At the time they didn't have his listed, but they built one for him anyway when he called.

I'll ring em tomorrow. I want one that'll take a beatin'.