Hello Comp Diesel!!


Canadian CUMMINS nut
Jun 12, 2007
I'm not new to Cummins by any means (I've had 2 -12V's and the 01) but am a member of different forums and figured alot of guys are here and now I am too.
I've got an 01.5 with a dead VP and (stock) brutal fuel delivery setup still on it. But not for long......I've ordered a FASS95 and a HRVP, new guage and mount and looking fwd to seeing it run PROPERLY soon. Time to tinker!!
Welcome to CompDiesel.

Careful of the TCB..It is not for the weak or timid LOL LOL
JacktheBear3 said:
welcome aboard,

Now that you have the Fuel Delivery figured out, you need to get the TCB Mod

Thats the easiest mod in the world to do aint it, :bow:
Thanks for all the warm welcomes, I'm livin and learning but somedays its costin me lots...:thankyou2: