Hello from Canada


New member
Aug 25, 2006
I just found this site and decided to have a look around.
I am by no means a diesel expert, this is my first diesel unless you count a 1986 6.2, so I use the forums to get some more info on my new hobby.
My next planned mod is a new suncoast tranny, and maybe a lift, but I am changing my line of work so those are on hold for a bit till the wallet fills up again.
I look forward to getting to know you all.
Hey, Welcome. Another BCer. Where near Vernon? Armstrong, Lumby, the underpass by Swan Lake?

My brother lives in Vernon (BX area near Cools Pond). I get up there a few times over the winter.
Canucks Rule! Eh!

I'm trying to figure out if it is worth advertizing on this site. If there are more than a few of us Northerns on here I'll probably take the plunge. Of course, I'm always here to help - not that I really know anything about the DMAX or PSD - I'm a Dodge and VW guy but we stock parts for everything.

Welcome to the site.

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