Hello from DFW!! Cummins powered K5 fun...

Picking up the 25 parts that were powder coated this weekend. Pics to come as soon as I can. Once they are on I can bolt in the seats, put on the trimmings, and start to think about bringing it home as my DD. The neighborhood association basically kicked me out last time because of the "unsightliness" of the vehicle. Now its time to show back up, make noise, and shove it back in their face with black smoke!

To slightly modify a quote from Apocalypse Now
"I love the smell of Diesel in the morning. Smells like...Victory."

HAHAHAHA, That is awesome to hear!! If I can get all my homework finished, I'll try to make it out there to fix the wiring for the torque converter lock-up. Did you look into the power-steering seals?
it don't need no stinking power steering seals!

get running first then fix all the little crap..

u gonna have it up here next month for nadm races?