Hello from Ohio


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Hello guys, im fairly new to the cummins scene, just picked up a 89 non i/c truck to put running gear in my 88 chevy dually. Im looking forward to learning from you fellers. Been lurking for awhile and it seems like a pretty kick ass site. Thanks.
Im in lake county and work for perry, I see you live in marble head, i will be at the plant up there next october for work.
haha cool, nice to meet a "co-worker". I work at Davis-Besse, QC inspector. i've been at perry for their outages too, resource sharing.
haha cool, nice to meet a "co-worker". I work at Davis-Besse, QC inspector. i've been at perry for their outages too, resource sharing.

That is pretty cool man, I was just at beaver valley drinkin beers with steve skinner. Nice to meet ya man take care see ya soon i hope.
Im in lake county and work for perry, I see you live in marble head, i will be at the plant up there next october for work.

Welcome! Nice to see someone so close to home here. We (Grand Rock Co.) is located in Painesville. I drive past the plant 2x a day...
That is pretty cool man, I was just at beaver valley drinkin beers with steve skinner. Nice to meet ya man take care see ya soon i hope.

Yeah, maybe i'll see ya around at the plants. Not sure if i'm going to perry or bv in the spring.
oh, fyi i'm not a man haha
Welcome! Nice to see someone so close to home here. We (Grand Rock Co.) is located in Painesville. I drive past the plant 2x a day...

I probably have talked to you face to face, you guys had a display up at thompson raceway park this year. I race there every weekend in a points series. I was over there looking at stuff for my 12v chevy towtruck myself and my dad are working on. Nice to meet ya.
I probably have talked to you face to face, you guys had a display up at thompson raceway park this year. I race there every weekend in a points series. I was over there looking at stuff for my 12v chevy towtruck myself and my dad are working on. Nice to meet ya.

Yep...It would've been me you spoke with.

Pleasure meeting you.
Welcome! Saw your post on the tow rig thread on YB talking about the swap. Sounds like a cool swap. If it were me I'd probably opt for a newer overdrive trans if you can find one.

Michael Pliska