Help: Clutch Pedal Won't Release/Pulls to the Floor


Oct 29, 2013
Tonight, I started driving and almost immediately noticed that something wasn't right with the clutch. The pedal was staying stuck close to the floor board after I released it from a 2nd to 3rd gear shift. Within a few hundred meters it ended up stalling out when I tried to take off from a stop sign. I only drove for a couple of miles before I turned around and came home, stalling it out once more from a stop. On the way back, I noticed that the pedal actually gets pulled closer to the floorboard once I let it out and begin to accelerate. If I let the pedal out for 10-15 seconds it has normal pressure at full extension, but after one shift it goes back to staying stuck to the floor board and wont shift into the next gear without effort.

At 109250 miles I had a SB3250 and Valair Hydros installed by a local diesel shop. I have around 2500 miles on the clutch with no issues prior to tonight. I have never done a boosted launch or 3rd gear launch, and power wise my truck is not pushing the limits of the DD.
Hydros could be leaking. See anything under the truck after it sits?
I don't see anything under the truck, but I did find a small amount of fluid building up around the rod where it goes into the master cylinder. It doesn't seem like a serious leak and the fluid level is still full. Do you think this small leak could allow air in the line and cause this to happen? In the picture below, it is located between the silver and black housings.

No that's normal. The slave cylinder is bad or the clutch let go but most likely the slave
Thank for the help guys. I called Valair first thing this morning and they are sending me a new set of hydraulics. Great customer service.
Here's an update. I received the new hydraulics from Valair today and completed the install. The clutch feels better now than it did stock.

I don't know what exactly happened with the original hydraulics but the root cause is that they aren't even the same hydraulics. I don't know if I got scammed by the install shop or if I was sent the wrong hydraulics , but look at the difference.

Here is a picture of the new hydraulics (there is an orange valve between the master and slave cylinders that isn't on the old hydraulics):
[ame=""]NewHydros_zps4ab4c605.jpg Photo by b_owens33 | Photobucket[/ame]
Here are the old ones:
[ame=""]OldHydros_zps7d60ce92.jpg Photo by b_owens33 | Photobucket[/ame]
Fluid color comparison (yellow is the new and black is the old):
[ame=""]FluidColor_zpsdff4807b.jpg Photo by b_owens33 | Photobucket[/ame]
Master cylinder comparison:
[ame=""]FluidColor_zpsdff4807b.jpg Photo by b_owens33 | Photobucket[/ame]
It's been a while since I had my 07, but those look like stock warn hydraulics with the rust on the master cyl shaft and black fluid. Hopefully someone else will chime in and verify, or send the pics to valair. Glad it's on the road again!