Help Getting Started in Hauling


New member
Jul 27, 2009
Well I am sick of relying on people for work. They say you have the job and you start on Monday then you hear they are talking to other people..WTF..So I figured that I should just rely souly on myself...I see a few trucks here or there on the highway 1 tons hauling really random things...I have absolutly no idea on how to get business...

First things first..I am in school and only go about two days a week that leaves me totally open for night hauling and ever other day..I do need to get a truck..Right now I have an 01 f150 supercrew paid off and with about 200k on that is out of the question...I have wanted to get a new truck for awhile but cant justify the cost to myself especially during this economic climate..

But I could justify buying one under a business that would pay for the truck and pay me..I know how to plow and here in maine that can bring in alot of money..So I can plow and haul stuff and in the summers and later in the week I can do longer hauls down south and stuff. I just have absolutely no idea again about how to get this going...I am very ambitious and am just wondering where do I get start up money, what about insurance, how do I price, how do i get a truck, and how do I get steady income from this..I am very thrifty and weight costs and benefits of everything..If I cant justify something other than I want it I don't get it...So im not really worried if this would bring me in enough money because I save so much I just want to make a bit after clearing the payments and insurance and all that...and again I do have experience and know how to haul and plow..I am just so sick of relying on people that mostly fall through anyways...Please help me because I want to start this up soon and hit the grown running.

I honestly wouldnt bother right now man. Freight is slow for A trucks right now, doubt your going to get alot of business with a 1 ton. Just my .02
Do you haul anything? Or know people that do? I just would love to start working on my own and that was one idea that I figured people on here could help me out with....I was thinking about buying a 1 ton and a mid size excavator but no body really has an opinion on that either
Show me a owner/operator that got rich hauling freight and I'll show you a fat old lying fool. Hotshotting or otherwise...
Well its not that im saying hes lying..or that I want to do this the rest of my life..But while im in school and have alot of time off I am trying to figure out the best way to make money myself
watch out for the DOT man burned me yesterday, no numbers, tag light tinted windshield radar detector, no fire ex, fuses, flares alot of bs. no trailer just a 12,000lb work truck.

you can make money hotshoting got a good friend runs 3 trucks no truck payment tho you need start up cash
you want to make money hauling, get some dot numbers, and not for hire magnetes, a fifth wheel set up and get ahold of rv manufactures and dealers about hauling and moving them. There always looking.
To bad they only pay you enough to keep you rolling so you can deliver the next one. RV hauling SUCKS a big one. Try $0.95/loaded miles only with no fuel surcharge. You might be able to squeek out $300 a week for yourself if you run balls to the wall all the time. I looked into it right after I got my CDL.

A lot of guys around here are hotshotting cars and doing pretty well at it, but most of them have tow trucks too. That would probably be your best bet if you're dead set on hotshotting. Your customers are going to expect you to run 6 days a week though, and if you can't deliver they'll just call up the next guy.
There is money in hot shot hauling but hauling flexibility is a big plus. I am setup with every trailer from 45' flatbed to 3-car or bumper pull and even 28' stock trailer for hogs or cattle. You got to be open and have the resources for whatever comes up. Here in NC. I could be hauling hogs for a month or grabbing cattle out of FL. set for export in VA. If the money is good I will line up hauling schedules for hauling farm machinery.

Your problem is your in Maine. I am from ME. and I know there isn't much for economy up there. There isn't alot of freight leaving ME. but people bringing it in. The biggest freight coming out of ME. throughout the year is hay or Christmas trees in winter. You will be out of pocket alot because you will be picking up out of state and then have no backhaul.
If you can't do it full time, you can't afford to do it. Truck, trailer, insurance, fuel will cost several thousand a month. I make a good living doing it, and really enjoy it. But I also have established customer base, if they don't call I don't haul. So that I can be available to them when they do. Also you said you are in school. If you aren't 21 you cant do it anyway, you will need a cdl. What I would recommend to you, is use your current truck and do a delivery local service. Run parts for electric contractors, plumbers, ac service guys and so-fourth. Hope that helps some bro
If you can't do it full time, you can't afford to do it. Truck, trailer, insurance, fuel will cost several thousand a month. I make a good living doing it, and really enjoy it. But I also have established customer base, if they don't call I don't haul. So that I can be available to them when they do. Also you said you are in school. If you aren't 21 you cant do it anyway, you will need a cdl. What I would recommend to you, is use your current truck and do a delivery local service. Run parts for electric contractors, plumbers, ac service guys and so-fourth. Hope that helps some bro

It may Differ by State, But at 18 you can get a CDL in SD
Thanks a lot guys, Im still trying to figure out what my best route is...It sucks cause I really want a truck but im not stupid enough to just go out and buy one..I need to justify working it or having a reason to buy it...I know I could plow during the winter but that would leave me stuck the rest of the year unless I haul scrap metal which again could be done with my truck until it breaks
I know how much fun it is to Have a brand New truck, Though very hard to Justify sometimes.. Look for a few year old one.. The market is soaked with cheap trucks that are only a few years old..

The Idea you had with the Excavator, Is there a high Demand for that type of work? How big of an Excavator? I bought a Link Belt 1600 Qauntum w/Patu Processor Head (18Klbs) and its Heavier than what should be hauled with my 1 ton and 20K lbs Trailer So you may have run ins with the DOT if you try to haul it often or far...Its more of a Medium Duty Truck kind of load
Like how would I find out if there is high demand for that kind of work? I know my dad would split it with me so he could use on his land every once in awhile..

The whole new truck thing, I mean new used doesnt matter..I think im going to run my truck in the ground, and I dont mean beating on it but just normal driving..and wait till something goes wrong and even then I might buy a used engine there is a huge market for 4.6L ford engines for real something serious is going to have to happen..or alot all at once.

Also I would look at buying a commercial f650..I would love one of those and I think since its so heavy I might be able to wright a good chunk of that off..

but yeah how yould I find the demand thanks alot guys
It may Differ by State, But at 18 you can get a CDL in SD
Yeah, but you can't operate interstate under 21. Another poster said there wasn't much work in his home state, so it would be kinda pointless if he is under 21.
What about like a heavy construction business like working a mini excvator or mid sized one?

I am just trying to figure out how you get started and then try and find work? I have no idea how you go about finding the work...

Also how do I search around and find if there is a demand for it?

Thanks a lot guys
construction industry is pretty dead Id stay awyh from it at this point I mean theres alot of cheap equipment but no work. Ive worked at an excavating company and have tried getting back into it but no work out there. my brother in law has worked for Gradex in indianapolis for almost 20 years and last winter was the first time he got laid off and hes only on 8 hour days now. As for the hotshotting Ive done a little I hauled a car to iowa then a tractor to nebraska then came back unloaded so i made about 500 bucks after fuel which isnt woth it full time IMO I haul motorcycles for a guy from indy to south bend and make a little spare cash here and there but I could never do it full time. As for plowing snow go for it I do that in the winter and make a killing we just dont get the snow here like up north just make sure you have a reliable comfortable truck you dont want break downs because normally you are plowing at night and are under a deadline and bring spare parts make sure you have liability insurance they usually recomend 1 million