Help me out fella's...

Extended Power

New member
May 19, 2006
I know this belongs in the "Wanted" stuff adds, but I know more of you look here first, and I'm hoping that someone can help me out with this:

I am looking for the front engine cover from a 2004 6.0L.
It has to have the larger 100mm (4") water pump housing, and must have a perfect low oil pressure pump housing.

I have already tried to buy two of them...first one was lost by the shipping company, and the second one is chewed up in the low oil pressure pump housing. (The person I bought it from did not know it was damaged went he sent it to me.)

I have already bought the newer 100mm (4") waterpump, because the one that was shipped with the damaged oil housing had 2 of the impellor blades broke off in shipping. (I was going to buy a new pump anyways, so nothing wrong with that...I just had to make sure it had the larger water pump, before he shipped it.)

I have heard people say that they are only $300.00 from ford...well, please show me where you are getting them for that price, cuz they are $730.00 from my Stealership.

I don't want to put my smaller water pump housing front cover back on, as like mentioned, I have already purchased a new water pump for the bigger front cover.

Thanks Guys!!!
just bought one from ford up here for my truck, it was 425, just buy a new one, it's not worth the headachs with old covers
Did you get the newer cover? (Bigger water pump.)

Something tell's me you broke your LPOP....:poke:
I'm pretty sure I got one for around $600 that included the gaskets and speedie sleeve and low pressure pump right from a ford dealer.
Yeah...but I don't need the gear set, waterpump, or sleeve, and they are trying to charge me $730.00 plus tax!!

It's nice....
That was just one of the first things I would have looked at when he said he had no low oil pressure.
(I would have checked the front cover for damage.)