help me

Kick Start

Feb 25, 2009
Guys I'm havin trouble with the truck.
Here are the specs:
200 ddp injectors
Drag comp hooked as ez
Smarty currently not being ran
Air dog 150
Why does the truck die when I get on it and then let off the throttle with the comp on 5x5? Turn it to 5x3 and it doesn't do it.
I have to crack 2 injector lines to get it too start back up. Any help or questions please ask or suggest.
You have a drag comp hooked up as an ez? So are you not using the wire tap for the injection pump? Why are you using it like this?
Guys I'm havin trouble with the truck.
Here are the specs:
200 ddp injectors
Drag comp hooked as ez
Smarty currently not being ran
Air dog 150
Why does the truck die when I get on it and then let off the throttle with the comp on 5x5? Turn it to 5x3 and it doesn't do it.
I have to crack 2 injector lines to get it too start back up. Any help or questions please ask or suggest.

the vp44 is pretty easy to air lock, some trucks do it worse, the bigger the injectors the easier it is to do.

a set of connector tubes might help.
I'm running it as an ez because I don't want to tap the wire and don't think it really helps an HO out that much. I'm gonna dyno it before I decide whether ir not to tap the wire.
How would bigger connector tubes help? They are after the pump and its already runnin out of fuel for some reason.
You may need the extra fuel from the wire tap. Your injectors are probably draining your lines. When you get on it hard and let off are you letting of slow are just taking your foot off the pedal? When I bought my comp 250 dynomite told me they would drain the lines if I jumped on it hard and let off quick if I didnt have enough fuel for them.
everytime I make a high boost run, I make sure to rev the motor a few times as Im slowing down to keep from airlocking... After running big injectors for 5yrs you learn how to prevent it... but I would also tap the wire, guarantee it'll be worth it.

after a bunch of time and money i have gotten MY truck to not do it. did the same mods to my buddies and his still does.

as said just blip the throttle a few times or leave the truck in gear or leave the converter locked after letting off.
Ok. I was lettin off hard both times. I have the smarty on fuel only so hope that helps
Another question.
Why will it only make 40psi and that's with turning the comp off? If I turn it on and the smarty on level 8 I can only make 35psi. Temps cool down when comp is on aswell.
So I tapped the pump and gained 2psi of boost. Guess ill have to chase a leak down somewhere
different injectors do this to mine, you should see a little more boost than that!

My ddp 150's and JL 180's would shut the truck down easily, but these ddp 200's and westons 7x.010" aren't near as bad, especially weston's they don't even lope bad if I get out to quick!

the tubes will make it worse IMO, because air is trying to get into the lines when you let out, the stock tubes with filters will prevent more than anything unless you have a slight leak somewhere allowing air back into the lines
Not having trouble with truck shutting down anymore.
I just want about 15psi more of boost. Ill have to check boots for leaks I reckon
You know running as an EZ that level 4 and 5 don't do anything more then level 3.
On my truck it made more smoke and felt like more power. I never dynoed it so couldn't say for sure
Levels 4 and 5 don't work when it is hooked up as an EZ. You can put it on level 5 but you are really on level 3. The only way it would smoke more is if you had different sub-level settings.