help us determine culprit, dead 05CR


Hardway Performance
Feb 4, 2008
Truck is an 05CR with identical setup to my truck (S475, 45% nozzles on stock bodies, smarty, mp8... etc). Belongs to Dan Hair (Yoda), won the 7.70 saturday race at Scheids this year... the white 4x4

We swapped out stock CP3 with bag of parts last night for a big single pump, took it for a spin and was able to maintain 26kRP with smarty on sw5tnt and the MP8 up... ran awesome

This morning, rough start, noticed tons of white smoke pouring out the exhaust pulling into work and was pissing fuel/oil. Came out later to check it out, tried to start, acted like it was running on 2-3 cylinders and still white smoking like crazy. Checked oil, it was WAY over full, shut it off and called a wrecker to haul it to the shop.

We drained 20qts of oil/fuel out of the crank case before it got down to the "safe" level on the dipstick. Removed valve cover and attempted to start to see if we could see which injector was being pissy, couldn't' see crap but it ran still like 2-3 cylinders and smoked just wasn't pissing oil this time. We unplugged FCA to bump RP at idle to see if there was any change, it ran this way for about 6 seconds and the engine came to an abrupt HALT, not a normal shut down it just STOPPED from an erratic idle. Didn't think much of it at the time.

We pulled the valve train and injectors, looked down into cylinders 1, 3, 4, 6 with my fiberscope. All looked good except for Cyl 6 which appeared to have the bowl full of fuel, what I could see of the piston looked fine along with the walls.

We tried to roll the motor over to bring 2 & 5 down from TDC but it would only go 1/8 of a turn or so before coming to a mechanical stop. We only tried turning it with the CP3 nut & then the flex plate w/prybar once the going got tough but couldn't budge it past about 1/8 turn.

All of a sudden the way it shut off while idling at 25kRP with the FCA unplugged (the aforementioned "clunk" of an engine shutdown) started to make us wonder wtf happened, why it was running before we pulled the injectors out and now we can't turn it over.

Going back to the shop tomorrow with barring tool in hand and the puller to free CP3 shaft from gear and try to roll over to isolate possibility of new cp3 failing internally and keeping us from rolling motor over...

Any ideas guys? I'm pretty sure we've got a bad #6 injector, beyond that.... if this thing's hurt internally somehow there's a 6.7 long block on a pallet at the shop....

Eager to hear some experience and help diagnosing this thing..:bow:
any chance of that hurting anything internally? what I could see of the piston (bowl had standing fuel in it) it looked fine, along with cylinder wall

and wtf was keeping me from rolling motor over?
by washed out mains you mean, over saturated oil with fuel and killed main bearings correct? Is that possible with that short of run time and just cruising to work?
there is a good chance your CP3 was leaking at the shaft seal putting fuel in the case. If it was running good prior injectors may still be fine. Who's pump?
It could happen...fuel isn't a very good lubricant and bearings really seem to like lubricant. LOL
If it spun a bearing and stacked them on top of each other that motor won't wanna turn over for sh!t.
freezingsystems, is that something I could tell by removing and inspecting?
I would send it off for testing or find a buddy with a dual CP3 setup and swap as a top pump. This should be easy to see wear eye protection during inspection. For it to put that much fuel in the case on a short drive and driving great the night prior, I put money on the pump being the issue. Good luck.

FYI you might want to check the turbo out since you where pumping diesel fuel oil thru it on some hard pulls. Don't need that to grenade next after getting a new motor.
I hung an injector on # 6 and bent a rod. It didn't want to turn over either. Measure the depth of the # 1 piston and the # 6 piston from the injector bore. If their not the same I'd say bent rod.
Thinking bent rod as well, the bearings should be fine even with that much fuel. Can't say I would have pulled the fca lead with all that white smoke.
No expert here but with the abrupt halt, I would think bent rod as well.. Curious to find out though..

Why does it seem like #6 is the problem child on CR's?
Thanks for the tips guys, enroute to the shop soon with barring tool and CP3 puller... will check depth between 1-6 to check rods, if we determine she's junk we've got to talk El'Rondo into that 6.7 long block I've been eye balling... :)
First off, thanks for all the tips and advise say that im not sick in my stomach is an understatement right now.

Keep in mind w/ these injectors that 4 are the factory original ones. 2 have failed on this truck in her life and she now has 141k miles on her...just out the 90 tips on a few months ago. The only time I've heard so far of a pump dumping the fuel into the crankcase was due to a plugged, blocked return line. Mine is still factory, havent touched any part of this system yet....but it also mean it cant really happen. It was white smoking badly before any other symptoms showed up. Which makes me think injector before the pump.

What can i check out in the turbo to make sure it's still fine or if it's bad?

I can turn the motor over, in both directions but it stops pretty firmly. Lol
Dan that would be an issue of just flushing it and checking end-play as usual. I'll be at your house to pick you up in about 20 min, put on your flippy floppies!
That's what I'm thinking as well. I believe that as we were testing to find out which injector took a dump on me and we had the fca unplugged it flooded the cylinder and hydro locked it which bent the rod. Then the oil/fuel slowly seaped past the rings to only leave the fuel in the bowl of the piston.