Help with cold starts

Jul 7, 2008
Needing some ideas on why since conversion truck has not wanted to start in cooler temps. Pump is a 175hp with .022dv, 5k schied springs pinned @ 25 deg. which is where the timing is @ now. Seth has had the pump twice for tuning. Has .093 lines and tubes, Mach 4 injectors that are still @ VP pop. Starts perfect in warm summer months but when it starts to cool down to around 60 i start to get a good lope when started worse when dropping it in gear. starting gets harder as temps drop from there. At around 25 deg. it just fires then dies just as if the lope is too much to stay running. Fuel pressure is good @ 40psi. Grid heaters are working, solenoid is pulling all the way, a little throttle input does not help either (maybe makes it harder to start).
Wondering if the .093 lines/tubes could be hurting it. Also i have not ran a compression test yet!
Give me some idea guys,
Thanks, Keith
I have my 180 pump set a 24* and once it gets around 50* and below it is a little angry when it's first fired up. It fires off without throttle input but will lope and die if I don't keep it running with the throttle for a minute or so. I am running .093" lines but still have stock tubes. You could try retarding the timing and see if that helps any.
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timing is the problem stay below 21 will help a lot I use ether but you have to unhook the grid heaters or you will blow something up
Tried some lower timing before, but not since seth done the pump last time. Been meaning to try that. I'll give it a shot.
i run 24* and with no grid heater and all i do is plug it in at night. i am running 7x12's set at 300 bar. at most it takes a bump of the throttle to fire up.
10-4, mine does fine also when i plug it in. But working at a coal mine there is not usually power in parking lot.
i could see at most a couple of degrees drop. dont have a timing light to prove it and not sure if anyone has actually proved it but in past threads i read there is not a substatial drop in timing with pop off pressure changes. i could see it with large lines, tubes, and DV's all at once. i didnt have any change in smoke i only went that high to try and get better fuel economy and help to try and spool the 66 i have.
10-4, mine does fine also when i plug it in. But working at a coal mine there is not usually power in parking lot.

Get an Espar. If you DD the truck, it will be the best purchase you ever make for you truck, thats including the p-pump conversion.
They seem to vary year to year. When I bought mine 5 years ago, it was $1800. Last year or the year before, they were selling for $800. This year it was in the $1400 range. Call around for best pricing. Even at $1800, I still think it was well worth it. -40 and not plugging in is a wonderful thing.