helping a buddy get a chip


New member
Sep 7, 2006
What is the best chip out for the 3rd genaration dodges
He is going to get 5" exhast and maybe intake the rest of the truck is stock
he does a lot of pulling. he does excavation but also wants to be able to have fun on the weekends
thanks for your help guys

My opinion:
SMARTY for power and economy but EDGE with Attitude for adjustability (in cab).
I'll agree with Mr. Earp on the Edge, you just about can't go wrong on that box with the Attitude monitor due to the failsafes built into it.

Oh, and tell your buddy to get in touch with some of our site vendors, pretty sure they can help him save a $$$ or two :rockwoot:
I second for SMARTY!!!:rockwoot: Only downside is no adjust on the fly.
The EDGE is nice.......the TsT is wicked and the SMARTY is just that, IMHO. Temtation is hard to resist and an "in cab" controler can be dangerous, the fun kind. I'd say go SMARTY and run the tow during the week and #9 during the weekend. this an Auto or 6-speed?
in cab adjustability is control by your foot. Do you guys know what on the fly adjustability intales?