Hey guys from psn

Mike can keep looking ive done nothing to him here.

Why must you...Im gonna take a short road trip to visit you soon.

just being yourself :poke:

that trip wont be short :hehe:,hell smut you would prolly wind up in washington state
Wrong go read 500 hp on canned sct tunes and read my book.

I dont think you even know what that meant
Moultrie - Where girls/boys that can outrun family are called Virgins.
im ok with mike making money from psn, but whyd this homo have to come over?

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Im gonna make him like me.

:hump: That's right Smut. Hang with him. He loves :cheer: Just make sure you post in every thread he post in. You'll win him over real quick. :lolly:

Welcome to Comp D.
LOL Smut got shafted on that one.
