Hi from California


New member
Dec 31, 2010
Hey all my name is nick and ive been lurking around for a while and finally decided to join. This is in my opinion, the most informitive diesel reference forum around. Ive currently got a 2003 crew cab, white, 3/4 ton, 2wd truck with an edge w/ attitude, afe intake, 4" strait pipe, smoke switch, missing silencer ring, and lowered via removed overload springs in the rear and naturaly saging front coils with 190k. Ive put over 3 grand into it this month alone and am looking at another 4 atleast. (needs a full set of injectors to be reliable and auto tranny is on its last leg) So ive decided to sell it and get a 12v. Ive got to have the reliabillity. So im trying to learn a bit about what im getting myself into, and how i can make power with it! :woohoo: Could someone point me in the right direction for information on how the p pump works? thats the #1 thing im still a bit fuzzy on. i understand the concept, just not how the peices work.. Anyways thanks for the great site and Happy New Year!
What part of Cali are you in? If you're in an 03, I'm guessing its a 6.0? If you've already made up your mind, that's cool, but if you're are basing your Ford experience solely off of an 03 6.0 with 190K on it, then you really need to talk to some other Ford owners. The 03 6.0 is the most troublesome and worst diesel motor that Ford has has in their trucks. It is far from a good representation of the Ford diesel lineup.
Welcome, as far as your questions, try to break the search button. It's all been covered at least 1000 times.
I have an 03 dodge, I guess i should have mentioned that! As for the search button, i have been raping it for the last couple days, i must not understand how to work it, because i have not found as much as i would like. I was kind of hoping for a complete idiot schematic with labels on each and every part, but i can figure it out once i get it.

And Im from Visalia, CA (in between Fresno and Bakersfeild)