Hi from Texas


Inmate #28
Feb 16, 2007
Hey, I'm Anna from Texas. Greg told me to join the site but, after reading some of the posts I'm wondering if maybe I should have just said I stumbled over the website....

Anyways, I'm 27, LOVE drag racing, and think the idea of drag racing diesel trucks is pretty damn cool.
We will let you hang, even if you do know Greg LOL
welcome to Comp D
Glad you joined!

No worries, we usually only rip on people we know... or dislike... or talk too much... or make more power than us... or dont drive our brand of truck... or open the door wide to a good verbal whoopin.

If its the Greg we're thinkin...
Greg reading this:
Uh... Unkie G, does it run yet?
Double check. :hehe: :poke:

Glad you came. :welcome:

Ignore the "politics", 99% of the racers you meet in person would lend you the shirt off their backs, regardless of the bluster you read on the interwebbythingy.
You folks sure know how to make a girl feel wanted. ;)
I know how racers are, aside from being one in the past, my entire family lives for this **** as well. LOL! So yeah, hate me cuz I call Greg a friend, its all good.
On another note, are ya'll gonna call me an outcast cuz I drive a camaro? does it help that I've had 2 diesel trucks in the past? I just kinda killed them both.........

Thanks again!

1) you know Greg
2) you drive a camaro

If it werent for the 2 diesel trucks, you may be in trouble LOL
Yes, but I'm pretty so that overrides all the other stuff.
The world forgives pretty girls for all kinds of things..........
crewgirl said:
Yes, but I'm pretty so that overrides all the other stuff.
The world forgives pretty girls for all kinds of things..........
crewgirl said:
Yes, but I'm pretty so that overrides all the other stuff.
The world forgives pretty girls for all kinds of things..........
:nopics: :fish:

Welcome from a fellow Texan!

I'm in all black.........