Hi from Texas

Who cares what she was selling... LOL Welcome to Comp D
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Now there's some of you spending so much time online that you request links to free internet half-porn.
Just one of the eight million reasons I love this place....

And hello to the new woman!
smoken5.7olds said:
sorry guys avatar was to much skin

Now wait a minute. The moderators start threads with topics that are going to be heated, then, when they become heated,come in and threaten to close them down.

Then, they let that Amish gone wild dude, post pictures of his naked boyfriends spanking each other, FULL SCREEN, and not say a damn word.

But they told you to take down a teeny tiny avatar side view of a woman in a bikini????

Things that make you go Hhhmmm??????:rules:
enegpsd said:
Now wait a minute. The moderators start threads with topics that are going to be heated, then, when they become heated,come in and threaten to close them down.

Then, they let that Amish gone wild dude, post pictures of his naked boyfriends spanking each other, FULL SCREEN, and not say a damn word.

But they told you to take down a teeny tiny avatar side view of a woman in a bikini????

Things that make you go Hhhmmm??????:rules:

Actually, we all get together, and figure out how to make a Secret file that only we can see, have all the "good" avatars sent there so only we can see them. Then we plot on how to take over the world.:umno:

Actually, we try to keep it so it will pass the "at work" test. In other words if your in an office building and decide to look at Comp D, will the avater, or picture get you fired for looking at it at work? Genes 100% correct, and trust me, we try damned hard to keep the moderation at a minimum here. Somethings push beyond what is considered acceptable to everyone, so we try to take each thing on a case by case basis. Mostly we sit around trying to figure out how we are going to spend all the $$$ we make being moderators. $.02 :doh: :umno:
Dalpilot said:
Actually, we try to keep it so it will pass the "at work" test. In other words if your in an office building and decide to look at Comp D, will the avater, or picture get you fired for looking at it at work? :

I see your point, and thats fair. I just have to make a note about two naked men spanking each other,wont get you fired, but a bikini girl just sitting there will.

My bad, I evidently am not on the same team as you guys, and hey, theres nothing wrong with that!!!:hehe:
thanks for the support . but i realize everbody is a 6.2 hater!!!! someday ill grow up and get me a 5.9 to do a repower.then i can get me a sticker that says built chevy tough with cumming stuff!!!!
I don't know, I can see her forearms!!LOL

Enegpsd needs to calm down a bit, the moderators here are alot better than a couple other sites, that I can't even view anymore, hehehehe!!:woohoo:

1991 12V
enegpsd said:
I see your point, and thats fair. I just have to make a note about two naked men spanking each other,wont get you fired, but a bikini girl just sitting there will.

My bad, I evidently am not on the same team as you guys, and hey, theres nothing wrong with that!!!:hehe:
THANKS! LOL Give em hell for that pic! Give em heeeellllll !!! LOL LOL LOL :hehe: :hehe: