Hi guys, new here with a 12 Valve


New member
Dec 18, 2012
Hi guys, I just joined here after getting fed up with some of the clowns on cumminsforum. I've been a long time lurker and today read 50 pages in the 12 Valve section. I've always been impressed with the amount of knowledge on here and you guys all seem very helpful.

I have a '95 extended cab long bed 4x4 that I bought back in the summer. I'm new to owning a diesel, but worked in a truck center in high school as well as on numerous marine diesels for my college program. I know my truck wouldn't pass for the grime on the undercarriage of some of the ones on here, but it is a work in progress.
welcome to the site.

what happens on CF, stays on CF, we don't need any of that over here. Welcome to the grown ups
Welcome and just a word of advice try searching before you post a question. I'm sure it has been asked before. Alot of good guys with great knowledge here.
I've been a long time lurker and today read 50 pages in the 12 Valve section.

You must be striving for rookie of the year. LOL Most rookies haven't read 2 pages before spoutin' off. :clap:


If you want to search turbo, there will be a lot of threads to show up and not much info. Now, if you search 500hp turbo set up, it narrows it down a lot. Being general but not too general helps to find the good threads.
Thanks for the welcome guys.

I'm an active member on a couple other forums, and believe me when I say there is nothing worse than seeing multiple threads with the same questions, I know more than enough to search. This will probably be my only thread on here for a longggg time, haha.

I've been reading everything I can about streetable twins setups, as I think that's what I'm aspiring to do after this summer. Instead of going head first into a twins setup, I might just upgrade to a better turbo and injectors and run that route for a little. The truck is pushing 300k miles, so doing anything to add horsepower at this point is unlikely.