Hi I'm new and I'm a bumbass


New member
Mar 2, 2010
OK well I just signed up today and had one hell of a time singing back in. Why you may ask? Beacause I misspelt my screan name.:bang I guess I should slow down my typing and dubble check my work before hitting enter. Whould anyone know how I can correct my screan name? Oh BTW it's great to be aboard.
OK well I just signed up today and had one hell of a time singing back in. Why you may ask? Beacause I misspelt my screan name.:bang I guess I should slow down my typing and dubble check my work before hitting enter. Whould anyone know how I can correct my screan name? Oh BTW it's great to be aboard.

Send a PM to a mod, they should be able to help
OK well I just signed up today and had one hell of a time singing back in. Why you may ask? Beacause I misspelt my screan name.:bang I guess I should slow down my typing and dubble check my work before hitting enter. Whould anyone know how I can correct my screan name? Oh BTW it's great to be aboard.

OK well I just signed up today and had one hell of a time singing back in. Why you may ask? Beacause I misspelt my screan name.:bang I guess I should slow down my typing and dubble check my work before hitting enter. Whould anyone know how I can correct my screan name? Oh BTW it's great to be aboard.

holy ass, my 5 year old spells better than you.
OK well I just signed up today and had one hell of a time singing back in. Why you may ask? Beacause I misspelt my screan name.:bang I guess I should slow down my typing and dubble check my work before hitting enter. Whould anyone know how I can correct my screan name? Oh BTW it's great to be aboard.

And misspelt.

And beacause.

And screan.

And dubble.

And whould.

And screan (again)


Welcome to CompD.
I was going for sarcasm and self mockery with the gross amount of errors. Guess you guys didn't pick up on it. ANYWAY. Tim I see you're a admin. Who do I PM to get this fixed? Where would I look for a moderator's screen name?
And singing :doh:

Welcome to CompD :thankyou2:

I'm a MOD but I think you'll have to get a super mod (orange guy) or Administrator (red guys) to change your user name.
You there, with the soiled hands, click this:
Firefox Browser | Upgrade to the latest version of Firefox | Free Download

When it makes 'em red squiggles under wut cha type, right click on 'em squiggles and pick one from the list.

Welcome to Comp D.

DZL BULL said:
At least he's honset. We can't take that away from him.

At first I laughed with you, however, upon grammatical review I began to laugh AT you. :doh:
You just got a one way ticket to NowayinhellshouldIbemakingfunofthosewhocantspellville.
I was going for sarcasm and self mockery with the gross amount of errors. Guess you guys didn't pick up on it. ANYWAY. Tim I see you're a admin. Who do I PM to get this fixed? Where would I look for a moderator's screen name?

I dont know that I can bring myself to change it after such an entertaining thread.... Although I do like the bumbass Idea LOL
How did you make that reverse "d" Tim? LOL

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It might be the large amount of cold medicine, antibiotics, and decongestants in my system, but I laughed so loud at this thread that I had everyone in the house come see if I was ok.

Welcome to CompD! Thanks for the entertainment.
You there, with the soiled hands, click this:
Firefox Browser | Upgrade to the latest version of Firefox | Free Download

When it makes 'em red squiggles under wut cha type, right click on 'em squiggles and pick one from the list.

Welcome to Comp D.

At first I laughed with you, however, upon grammatical review I began to laugh AT you. :doh:
You just got a one way ticket to NowayinhellshouldIbemakingfunofthosewhocantspellville.

:doh: Fu**, I just had to pull my foot out of my mouth for that one. LOL
Weclum bumbass. You may have bin the ferst noob to get more than 10 replys, THAT'S NOT A SEXY FEMALE WITH PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Certainly entertaining, thanks for the laugh, you'll fit right in!