High Performance Head Bolts?

yeah, I have a lil prob with my head gaskets again. I am on my fourth set now. I have the egr completely gone and arp studs which SHOULD be the fix. guess that I am movin on to a cummins as soon as business picks up. I try not to be negative but think you should evaluate your monetary situation before modding your truck. Sure seems like it is hit or miss and I missed. just be prepared or get a mean ass warranty:) I am currently trying to get a usfidelis and work with that to finance this swap.

edit: dont mean to scare you from modding just recommend you be ready when you wanna make more power. I really like the power available with just bolt ons and a tune if it could last:)
he is assuming its headgasktes...I highly doubt it.

Its getting a new oil cooler on Monday..and we will start from there.