HIGH TECH RAM - incredible seller


Seasoned Rookie
Dec 13, 2012
I bought a built 47re with TC and FP from Chris.

He worked with me on everything when a lot of stuff fell through. Awesome guy!

Had issues with sending that much money through PayPal but he didn't get upset that it took the second try to get the money through.
He moved it around a couple times while I was getting a truck to pick it up and was cool during the whole thing.
The first pickup didnt happen because my drivers just didnt go and didnt even tell me...
The second time they showed up a day early and without the damn race trailer, they just took a lowboy instead...
Chris took care of it and even wrapping it all up in a tarp to keep it dry.

Thanks a bunch Chris. I owe you a few beers one day! :Cheer:

Oh and thanks to anyone who helped him move that around!

Big thumbs up! :rockwoot:
Chris is awesome! If anyone ever said anything bad about him I would have a hard time believing them.
I'm glad it worked out Corey and that it was delivered to you in one piece lol.

Yeah, those lazy Phucks left it on the damn trailer without even a phone call. I'm glad we have a gated and guarded lot, but still. My buddy got in really early and unloaded it into the weld shop for me, drove right down, looked great!

Chris is ok... Haha

Still, thanks for the phone call!