Holy Grail of the 4BT...P-PUMPED!


The Antistock
Apr 8, 2009
For anyone looking for a P-pumped 4bt, here it is!

This is not my engine, I know nothing about it, just something I found!
Are they really that rare? I know an old farmer with 2 in his garage collecting dust... I'm waiting to have the money for
one before I ask them about them:D
yeah they are fare more rare then ve pumps and when u see a p pumped one for sale it is usually alot $$$$ than ve ones.
Are they really that rare? I know an old farmer with 2 in his garage collecting dust... I'm waiting to have the money for
one before I ask them about them:D

4b P7100 were only about 2% which was only onroad engines , Most engine that you'll find are P3000 which look almost the same as the P7100.