"hood rat stuff"

I would absolutely beat his a$$ hood rat style since that's what the little ba$tard wants to be like.
where's his daddy?
Stealing cars and doing hoodrat stuff with his friends who smoke with marijuana.
Just another example of a leech on our governments back.
My wife told me about that a week or two ago...I'm glad I got to see that first hand now. I would have whooped that kids a$$ all the way home and back again
There would be no question about a azz beatin'. Of course, by the age of 7, my kids would have been raised to respect things a little more to. I'd work his twelve sandwich eatin' azz over with my belt is what I'd do. wwwaaaCKKKKK!
Kids want 'respect'.... stupid kids. All they know is this -gansta- attitude. Their roll models reversed respect and fear and now kids think that absolute disrespect gives them respect. Respect = admiration not fear.......stupid kids.

Futher proof........There is no lifeguard at the gene pool.:bang
My kid would have been unavailable for an interview due to a prior engagement with my belt.
My kid would have brought the car back...I'm already teaching him how to drive at 4. If it was low on fuel he would have gottin a beatin. lol
i would of beat his ass in front of everyone there if that was my kid