hot in texas


New member
May 9, 2011
too hot outside to work on the truck, so mught as well try to gain a little insight....
Welcome. Send some of that humidity north of the Red River would ya? It is too dry up here. We need rain in a bad way.
Don't hold back now...I'm talking, we need a 2-3 inch rain in an hour type of rain. Most of the ponds around here are completely empty and dry. The wheat ain't going to be worth a shiznit anyway so let it RAIN!
it seems like it has rained almost every day for the last 2 months here. everything is completely saturated
Welcome. Send some of that humidity north of the Red River would ya? It is too dry up here. We need rain in a bad way.

yeah, the thing about that...

it's dry as a bone... 45? days without rain (save a couple sprinkles one afternoon)

but it's still humid as ballsack

ahh, SE TX
yeah, the thing about that...

it's dry as a bone... 45? days without rain (save a couple sprinkles one afternoon)

but it's still humid as ballsack

ahh, SE TX

Our place hasn't scene rain since January.

There is plenty of moisture in the air though.

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