How balamced do the gov springs need to be?


casey ross
Mar 14, 2011
I have messed and messed with my gov springs just to see if i could get anymore fuell and with that came rougher and rougher idle. So i had my pump benched and maxed and when it got back i looked how i had the gov springs..
One side i had it as tight as i could get at .097 and other side was at .111. So i backed them off to as close as .050 as i could get and right now i have it set at .056" and the opposite side at .062". Is this close enough to be balanced? Cause it runs way better than it first did keep in mind its been 4 months since i had it flow tested. Just more concerned with how close the protrusion hieght actually needs to be.

Thanks in advance
Did you ever run the pump with the springs they were originally? Stud protrusion is just a reference point for individual pumps. My pump won't be the same as your pump that won't be the same as another guys pump.
No i didnt get a chane to the PO installed them and left a shim in each side. Ever since then is when i started messing with them