How do you like your larry?


Microwaving cats since 01
Aug 28, 2006
So for those that have run them or are running them which do you like and why? Crazy larry, scary larry or petifile larry?:pop:
inline6359 said:
So for those that have run them or are running them which do you like and why? Crazy larry, scary larry or petifile larry?:pop:

Crazy Larry works great!

Cause its al that I can get from BD in high HP programs.
I talked to a lady up at houston this weekend about scary larry but I can not for the life of me remember her name. Was pretty dang cute though. Anyways. She said that crazy larry was built a while back for a guy named larry that was crazy and wanted an insane tune on his truck. Well it leaked out on the internet and now bullydog offers it for a free download on their website. The scary larry is the same exact identical tune yet you have to pay for it.
BgBlDodge said:
I talked to a lady up at houston this weekend about scary larry but I can not for the life of me remember her name. Was pretty dang cute though. Anyways. She said that crazy larry was built a while back for a guy named larry that was crazy and wanted an insane tune on his truck. Well it leaked out on the internet and now bullydog offers it for a free download on their website. The scary larry is the same exact identical tune yet you have to pay for it.

a little off Tyler.

Crazy Larry may have been for some crazy guy named Larry, that would make sense.

Bullydog released Crazy Larry as a hot-er program, like the Hot Juice.

Scary Larry was written as a race program for a truck at Xtreme Truck and Trailer in Three Rivers, Michigan. They started selling the program for $50....and thus Scary Larry came into circulation. After it became VERY public that Xtreme Truck and Trailer was selling the program, magically over night they lost the program in a computer crash....or fire. It was a BS story. Bullydog got involved there.

Scary Larry had different fueling maps, particularly low end. It only truly worked on 05 auto's but would program to any truck....thats where the idea came from that its the identical program. It has proven to add 20hp on the dyno over Crazy Larry 2.3.2 on an 06 truck, but i call that a fluke. Buddy, the Bullydog software engineer, told me the 05 auto only part of the story. Straight from the source. The 06 truck I put scary larry on had CEL and ABS light issues.

True Scary Larry is 2.2.7 and has the options to delete torque management and add low end power.

Now, Crazy Larry 2.4.1 has the same fueling map as Scary Larry but still lacks a little pressure ramp on the bottom end. Ive tried them back to back. Whenever Buddy gets adjustable pressure dialed into the 2.4.1 program, it should be like the original scary larry....actually better since you can adjust speed limiter and rev limiter with the 2.4.1 program.

Pedafile Larry....or however you want to spell it...was rumored to be a race only program with tons of much infact that lots of runaway issues occured on some trucks.

I've had Crazy Larry 2.2.7, Scary Larry 2.2.7, 2.3.0, 2.3.2, and 2.4.1. I can honestly say 2.4.1 is their best program to date. (but ive never tried pedafile larry)

I've also heard rumor of PDI's Bullydog Tune. Who knows what that is.

As mentioned on another site, there is no straight answer in tuning anymore because of the secrets that no one else wants copied.

I saw 2.4.1 lay down 992hp on a dyno at need for a race program *nx*
Pediphile larry does run tons of pressure, i think it exceeds 28-29k which means your rail needs modified to run it. It is not a common program but has been leaked out, but managed to stay mostly contained as there is very, very little if anything about it on the net. I sort of stuck it out there to hear if it could cause a problem because i hope to try it out this weekend if i can get it. It will be a long shot probabaly wont happen but i will try anyway.
Well i just did the "leg work" so to speak. My original plan was cut short because i cannot upgrade the downloader from my buddies 03.

The next question i have is what software comes with the new triple dogs? If it is newer then 2.3.8 and 2.3.9 i cannot use them. Any input will help.
inline6359 said:
Well i just did the "leg work" so to speak. My original plan was cut short because i cannot upgrade the downloader from my buddies 03.

The next question i have is what software comes with the new triple dogs? If it is newer then 2.3.8 and 2.3.9 i cannot use them. Any input will help.

Newest Triple Dogs come with 2.4.1, but i bet theres still some on a shelf somewhere with 2.3.9 or even wasn't that long ago.

Why can't you use anything newer?
Im still trying to figure that out. We are not real clear on that, all we know is that in the email, to successfully get it we have to have an outdated copy. I will put that to bed once i call the man i can get all this from. I will keep you posted.
inline6359 said:
Im still trying to figure that out. We are not real clear on that, all we know is that in the email, to successfully get it we have to have an outdated copy. I will put that to bed once i call the man i can get all this from. I will keep you posted.

Ok, i know what you are talking about now. You can't go backwards with Triple Dog versions anymore. However, there is ways around that. PM me and we can discuss it. If you are looking for a Triple Dog with an older program, let me know.
If you have anymore info on this please share. I too have an 03 and I'm just cutting teeth with the CR stuff.
I tried Scary Larry, once, and decided I better not chance my stock trans at the moment, since im in no position to afford the rebuild.
Flat out hauled balls on my '05, but I really cant afford a down truck, or the money for a transmission anytime soon, so I sold it.
I also like the fact my Edge/attitude defuels if/when the trans slips...
Now if I had a full billet built to the hilt tranny, a fuel system, turbo, and studs, you better believe id be out trying to find scary larry again, but none of that is happening anytime soon:o