How muck oil in AC system


New member
Sep 27, 2007
Could you guys help me out in how much oil I should of added or I'm I ok.

The low pressure line blow out yet before I bought the truck.Replaced line and accumalator and vaccumed system...Results... the system still leaked...Replaced then the evaportator and that solved the problem.I found a chart to see how much oil should be added.It said 3 oz for evaporator,2 oz for new accummator and 1 oz when lines are flused.So I added 6 oz of oil to the system....Is that to much?or just right?Now I getting mixed reveiws..Want to get it right because not enough oil will destroy a pump,but also too much will kill a pump...
I always add 2oz to the accumulator, none anywhere else except the compressor. That's all that is necessary.