How to make my powerstroke smoke???!!!


Hope I dont break it!!!
Aug 7, 2007

I know people here probably have strong opinions about diesel smoke. I do not care if you do not like or do not support diesels smoking. That is not what this post is about. I am interested in makin my truck smoke and make lots of it. There is a diesel smoke out competition coming up here in about 2 months near my hometown. I am interested in makin my truck roll smoke so that I can try to compete in this competition. I know a bigger pump and injectors are probably the best way to go but since I am still in college and dead broke from buyin my truck Im lookin for a fairly cheap way to make my truck roll storm clouds. I have heard that SCT can be tuned to make smoke which may be the route that I go. If I do go the SCT route who can make a tune that will work for this that will work? Im up for any and/or all suggestions. The truck is an 05 f250 6.0 powerstroke. Ive got a cold air intake, 4" turbo back exhaust to 5" bull haulers, Ive got the edge in it but it only makes little puffs of smoke. I may ditch it completely if I get the SCT. Thanks to y'all in advance!!!
Heres my webshots album if y'all wanna check the truck out (im up for suggestions on stuff to do to the truck also)
Interesting contest. Definitely SCT. I have a tune by Doug @ gogodiesel that is crazy on the smoke. Its not a daily driver tune, more of a show off tune.

Poor Gale must be grabbing his chest.
Ditch the Edge and get an SCT to start...then your tuner can give you a really smkey tune to play with...then if that ain't enough wrap a plastic bag over your intake. LOL
no air = nothing but your pyro though.
I wouldn't recomend doing this often...but I'd guess you'll be OK for a little smoke competition.
DJ can tune an SCT to smoke...don't use it in combination with your edge though.
Oh, and i wouldn't try the plastic bag trick if it were me...surely he was kiddin?
Wasn't kidding...I've done it once or twice at big cruise nights around home. The pyro will come up real fast so you can hurt something for sure....just be carefull.
*Disclosure not responsible for big smoke and/or broken engines

If you muffle the intake, you will have a reduction of air, which will throw you air to fuel ratio way rich. A way rich combination = BIG SMOKE.

I don’t know about the plastic bag. I would be afraid it would suck in, but if you rig a shut off valve (Turbo shut off valve) where you could reduce the amount of air, then when your egt’s get to high, open it back up. You should be able to control the smoke and it would be more of a permanent thing. So, if someone is tailgating you, watch out…

But Richard is right. Muffle the intake!
How bout that plastic bag that you forgot about Richard, I bet that made a little black smoke. LOL LOL
Thanks for the ideas, it sure does sound like ill be able to get her to smoke. The SCT sure does sound like the ticket. Im not so sure about the bag over the intake but i did the zoodad mod a while ago, I could restrict the flow easily to the intake from the front end. That makes tons of sense, too bad im not techy enough to rig somethin up to work as im goin down the road to smoke out the ricers up here. Maybe if I get bored enough I will think of an electronic valve that I can open and shut...if you have any ideas im open for em. I will have to keep an eyeball on the pyro also. I do feel that thru the research that ive done that the sct is the better choice of tuner. Just as an overall who does the best tunes and has the best service etc..... basically who do y'all recommend to go to. Ive heard doug, dj, innovative, and others.... I will probably get a pile of tunes, b/c i race, pull at truck pulls and lord knows what. Anybody wanna buy an edge w/ attitude?? Thanks for all the help!!
smokin_h said:
who does the best tunes and has the best service etc..... basically who do y'all recommend to go to.
I know DJ will do you right, i don't have any experience with the others.
You cannot go wrong with Doug, DJ. I recommend you talk to both and make up your mind. I have tunes from both, and they both have what your looking for.
I unplugged the turbo thinkin that that'll do it but it doesnt throw any smoke....good idea tho...but already tried it
Have had occasion when I REALLY needed smoke...
like when the doofus cut in front of me so I couldn't get into the turning lane..
so I backed up, went around behind him and as I go around his left stopped at the light, low and behold, his window is down :) :) :)

My wife started laughing as she saw me slow down, put it into third and floor it !!!!

blacked out the inside of his car !
hpprose said:
*Disclosure not responsible for big smoke and/or broken engines

If you muffle the intake, you will have a reduction of air, which will throw you air to fuel.........

I don’t know about the plastic bag. I would be afraid it would suck in.........

But Richard is right. Muffle the intake!

Just cover the airfilter with wont be able to suck a plastic bag THRU the filter element...:ft:
