how to use re47 without computer


New member
Jun 18, 2007
hey guys as the title says i need some help. my buddys and i are building a 94 12v 2wd into a 94 12v with 96 trans and ford 6.0l axles into a mudder. my problem right now is getting the trans to run without the computer?
with the rh you can just tap the wires going into the trans, and make it shift into 4th with a switch. maybe you can do this with the re too.
While technically possible, the issue you present is unfeasible for numerous reasons. You need a TCM of some sort with a 47RE transmission. PCS, Suncoast and ATS all make one.
Could a full manual vb work with a od and lock up switch. I was told the pressure sensor and regulator were there to keep the computer happy, but not functional.
im having the same issue also, i plan on using a full manual vb which would eliminate the need for lockup and 4th controll from that trans, so what else id left that the tcm would be controlling?? i could just leave it on the truck cause its there now but i want to remove as much electrical bs as i can.

what about a vb from a rh? then there shouldnt be anything soleniod wise in there that would need any complicated electrol controll, like stuff other than things like lockup which is just grounding a wire, which is not very complex lol
what about a vb from a rh? then there shouldnt be anything soleniod wise in there that would need any complicated electrol controll, like stuff other than things like lockup which is just grounding a wire, which is not very complex lol

you need some sort of gov system, rh's are a mechanical weight type
The governors are different and this is why you must have a computer for the Re. I was talking to a transmission guy today about this very thing and he said that the 47re has a electronic governor and the RH has a mechanical.
oh alright i never thought of the gov. i know that tc lockup is operated by grounding a perticular curcuit in the harness, which the tcm does when it feels the need to, or when i flip a switch... but doesnt o/d operate in the same sort of way?
Anyway to install a 47rh VB in to a 47re to eliminate the electronic governor?
Thanks for all the input guys, I tried the rh thing also. I tried to pull the od unit from the re to the rh and yea no go the rh has lines for the gov. O ly good thing I guess is u swapped my truck from 47re to nv5600 so I have the harness and computer.
A full manual VB for the RH doesn't use the governor lines... I guess that may work on a RE? LC/OD are still solenoids. My full manual RH is from BD Diesel.