Howdy From Iraq


Nailed It!
Nov 29, 2006
Hey Hows it going guys? My Name is Ryan Wilson, I am a US Marine Stationed in Al Asad Air base, Al Anbar Province, Iraq. I am 21 years old, and I am addicted to DF#2. I Have a 1996 Dodge Ram 2500 4X4 With a 6BTA Cummins. I only Have a few mods right now (K&N FPIK, BD Fuel plate, South bend Clutch, and AFE 4") But as soon as I am back Stateside the BD Super Single I ordered, as well as the BD Manifold, pyrometer, Injectors, and Stacks Will be Installed. I don know how much power I will have, but I might throw on a Nitrous Kit for good measure. I know alot about diesels..... In theory, but I have yet to actually pull a sled with my truck, It is built up for pulling so far, but I really dont know how well it will do. Does anyone know of any events in spring/summer of '07 Near KY? I will be in Tank School, and I want to see if I can do any of them on the weekends. If anyone would like to drop me any hints or suggestions, I am all ears.
Welcome to CompDiesel, Ryan!
Thanks for keeping our great country free and safe :thankyou2:
Hey Ryan Welcome, and thank you for what you are doing over thier. I pretty shure someone will helpfully chime in about your pulling truck. Don't have too much fun tearing it up with those tanks:evil HOOHA
Welcome...the truck sounds cool...looks like you have some good plans for it too. I'm sure our sledpulling contingent here can help you out quite a bit.
Most of all... THANKS !
welcome to the site an a Big Thank you from all of us here to all of you there helping keep us free an safe
Welcome and thank you for your service! Take care of that smooth-bore ....and look out for that auto loader! LOL
Welcome, and thanks. Most of all watch your back over there and come home safe. Semper Fi!
If there is anything you need over there let me know... One of my best buds has been in Ramadi for about a month now.... And yes, he is Navy just like me...I am sure you have run into some squids over there. Be safe!
Semper Fi fellow Devil dog , keep you head down and be safe.
when you get to KT you are close to a lot of great guys , im sure one will show their gratitude for your service :welcome:
Hey my dad drove M1A1 tanks. It was one of the coolest things when we drove it through town and down the highway. It was awesome. He just retired as a 1sgt. Stay safe man...
welcome to compD!

have a bud over there now - lol he loves it... i think my friend is nuts
:ylsuper: :rockwoot: WELCOME TO THE SITE RYAN>>> im a newbie here as well. Thanks for the work for this awesome country man! Sounds like you have an awesome project ahead of ya. KICK SOME BUTT OVER THERE be safe making us proud. Get some pics of that truck.
Thanks for the job u are doing over there I am greatful for that. My dad is over there with you right now. I know when u guys hear what the media is saying about u guys it doesn't sound good but u have my support, and there are many others who feel the same way dont let the media get to u they are only a same percentage of the U.S.A Keep up the good work we hope u come home safe and most of all kick some butt.