
Auto should be 235HP 405TQ

6spd manual only (HO) 305HP 515TQ

That's off the top of my head and CRS is really kickin tonight, but it should be close.
305hp motors are common rail motors. 98.5 to 02 either had a 235 hp motor or a HO manual rated at 245.
Everyone that posted is incorrect...

Hp = Too Little, Torque = Not Enough.

And that is why we are all here.
^^^ what he said and thiers never enough no matter how much you have somebody is goin to have more and you get more and they get more and so on....
I was close LOL LOL

Got so many numbers rolling round my pea brain it's hard to keep them straight, thanks for the corrections :rockwoot:
My tuck never was a virgin long.....I would never now, the real question is what can they produce??? :evil