Hughson Fruit and Nut Festival is BACK


Active member
Aug 26, 2007
The VTPA just confirmed it yesterday, and i was asked to help spread the word. May 17th, pull starts at 5:30, scales close at 4. Same location as always the high school, I will be there wether my truck is ready or not. Anyone else?
Truck won't be ready but I may be there to watch, support, teck or what ever else is needed.

i wish i would have known it was cancelled sooner...i won't be around or i'd like a practice pull...argh..
I had a my last piece of Lexan and some more Aroquip hose show up yesterday so I will be busy working the truck this weekend.

Those that go represent well :)
If you want a practice pull the VTPA is gonna be at Hollister on the 24th and 25th, I am just waiting to hear back from them if there gonna have diesels, I don't see why they wouldn't though as they always do. I am gonna try and make that one. Then the VTPA is gonna be at Hilmar the 13th which is the day before Palmdale, I think I am gonna go there and hope my truck doesn't brake and then drive the rest of the way in the morning.
i wish i would have known it was cancelled sooner...i won't be around or i'd like a practice pull...argh..
It looks like there is an L&L pull on the 15th of June, you guys heading home from Palmdale up north may want to hit that on the way home.

yep I was thinkin about that one to. 3 pulls in 3 days should be pretty fun, I bet Nick still won't even stop at Newman on the way home:poke:
It looks like there is an L&L pull on the 15th of June, you guys heading home from Palmdale up north may want to hit that on the way home.

wow... that's a risk to do 3 pulls in 3 days... with my luck, I'd break on the first one :doh:
Just got it running tonight so if everything goes ok tomorrow i'll see you guys Saturday.
heres the video, it was a weak turnout, only 7 trucks. but i dont blame anyone for not showing up after seeing the track first hand, i think we would have been better off setting up a net and playing volley ball...
Well im having problems with my computer, its going to take a while until i get them up on my website. Heres a shot of Coles truck for now that i liked...
