hx 40


i know what i know
Sep 4, 2009
i just ordered a hx 40 58mm 8 blade is that a good charger for pulling im running 60mm charger now and takes to long to spool up and it has some issues it is a s300 base or did i just wast my money on the hx40 i also drive the truck every day and do alot of hauling what are your thoughts:charger:
i think you need to calm down with posting. thats like number 400 thousand tonight
Actually he has 17 total post so yea. And if a 60mm takes too long to spool, you dont need to be pulling. The 40 will do ok until it blows up. Some last awhile, other blow after a few pulls. Luck of the draw
Where did you order your HX40 from? Hope its not one of the Ebay chinese turbos.

Leave him alone guys. Hes a NOObee
from ebay because the charger im running is pushing oil thought into the exhaust i take it that those ones are no good
the last pull i puled 290 i think that i just dont have a enough rpms
The 8blade hx40 is a tad harder to spool. And doesn't have the airflow of some other hx40 wheels. Would I recommend an 8blade hx40? NEVER. Especially one from Ebay.
WELCOME to CompD!!
I daily drove, and towed with an 8 blade 58mm HX40.

If the one you ordered has a large T-3 or any T-4 exhaust housing then you probably wont like it.

Mine was ok. They are fine if you keep them between 38 and 42psi and dont bark them. They will last a long time that way. Mine had the 16cm T-3 Exhaust housing which is the best housing made for an HX40. It spooled decent. I could have it full tilt at 1600rpm if i loaded it up hard. EGT reduction over my HX35 wasnt very much, but a little. It seemed to maybe run a little better up top. It was a decent charger for towing, but having an auto with 3:55's and a tight converter, it was a little laggy for me. I think with a 5spd it would seem better. You pretty much needed to be over 1600rpm to have much power towing though. It would start to come up under 1600rpm, but wouldnt really come on until then. It wasnt a bad turbo, but it really isnt much over stock. My stock 3rd gen charger that i have on the truck now is better on all accounts except for maybe sound.

Here is a video of me driving around in valet mode with my HX40:

YouTube - Driving with an HX40

from ebay because the charger im running is pushing oil thought into the exhaust i take it that those ones are no good

That could be this issue with your spool up right there sounds like you blew a few seals.
what are the spec's on the 60mm charger you have now? its not a 35/40 is it?

Me? Mine is a stock 05 common rail charger. The 04.5+ common rail charger were a 60mm compressor, and they are a pretty darn good charger for a daily driven 12v that tows, and id say it will support between 400 and 500hp.

Me? Mine is a stock 05 common rail charger. The 04.5+ common rail charger were a 60mm compressor, and they are a pretty darn good charger for a daily driven 12v that tows, and id say it will support between 400 and 500hp.


sorry I should have been a little more clear I was talking about his 60mm. I read your thread on your truck and it sounds sweet with the cr charger.

He said his was an S300 based charger? So I guess it is some kind of schwitzer.

nope it is a john deere harger it has a huge exhaust housing that is why it is so hard to spool i cant spool it intill like 18 or 19 but when it hit i brake the tires loose at 55 mph so do u think i should keep it and rebuild it or sell it
i think you should drive down the road throw it out the window. then call me and tell me where it landed and i will go get it and rebuild it.
ha i bouth it like a year ago for 600 it was just rebult i havent had any probs intill now im still runing it it boost fine it just smokes at idle and if u handle a steady rpm
ok thanks i will run the hx 40 for now and get mine fixed thank you