I apologize

Hamilton Cams

Jun 28, 2007
I have to say, that when I started posting information about my products, I didn't think it would cause such a stir. I apologize, sincerely. I have to say that there are more lies and half truths in the cam posts than i could ever have time to prove wrong. I am done trying to post real data. Like I said for every piece of real info ther are 100 pieces of garbage. All of the truth gets lost in a blizzard of half truths. Don and Greg called b.s. on my dyno results but they wouldn't come down to my shop for the 12th for me to back it up. Take that into consideration.

To cool this thing down, I will not be posting any more comparisons or data, just our prices. I believe everything has been posted that is needed for a person to make an informed decision on why they would choose each cam. That was my intent the entire time. Now it is up to you the consumer to decide based upon all of the data. If I may make one suggestion on which cam to buy.................... Never buy a cam based on what a person says that is going to make any money in the process! Buy based on results found by individuals that have used each product. This is the only way to cut through the lies. Don't be naive!

By the way we have had our cam shipment held up in customs apparently. We will be giving you updates as soon as we find out the final delivery date.


Zach Hamilton
Thanks for the heads up Zach. I know I am looking to forward to running one of your cams one day hopefully..
Zach, nice meeting you Thursday night at the hotel, and I will be getting in touch with you at the end of the season to discuss some things for sure. I wish I had time to pick your brain a bit more but listening to you talk to Garrett was great as I got a good bit of info.
zach i have ran both a H2 and one of your cams and i will say the big stick out performs the H2. my opinion and only by the butt dyno!

kind ticked i didn't get to meet up with you down at TS i was kinda looking forward to it. had some 4bt things i wanted to pick your brain about.