I can ship anything, anywhere, cheap.


New member
Nov 13, 2012
If you need anything shipped feel free to ask for a quote. I have moved many things for members (as well as myself) on here, from engine's, axle's to whole pallets of parts. Never hurts to get a quote, you may be surprised at how cheap it could be.

Email or call,

(T) 651-523-0944

Maybe move yourself to the introductions thread and start there.
Unless you're a spammer. Then move out.
Quote needed:

What would it cost to have a dinosaur shipped from 73063 to an orphanage in Shelocta, PA. 15774

Approximately 40 ft in length, 13 ft tall at the hips, and around to 6.8 metric tons.
I have a motor that needs to go to Haisley and been getting prices
Not spam, I have been a member for years and then left, I am now back on and i just put this post on here as a member resource. I have shipped numerous items to myself as well as other members. Im not here to hassle, but rather to help.

If you are looking for a real quote on moving this engine just send me to and from zips, approx size and weight and i will be more than happy to give you a price.

Good to hear. Now, give me a real quote on that dinosaur. The kids at Mumau really want to see their new T-Rex. :hehe:
Good to hear. Now, give me a real quote on that dinosaur. The kids at Mumau really want to see their new T-Rex. :hehe:

If he was any sort of good person, he'd do it for free. Just like 'reality' television. Right? :hehe:
Hey guys. FWIW. The kids received the T-Rex in time for Christmas.
All thanks to a good citizen, that wasn't worried about his bottom line.

Jory, you can stop worrying yourself over it.
I recently hauled a load of Harleys from the factory in York Pa to Kansas city Ks but my trailer got full before they could load the doors. It would be 25 pairs of doors for the new Sportster bikes. They promised to hold them for me but I haven't been able to get back to PA.
What would it cost to have a dinosaur shipped from 73063 to an orphanage in Shelocta, PA. 15774

Approximately 40 ft in length, 13 ft tall at the hips, and around to 6.8 metric tons.

I thought I was hauling that for you?
No Problem, I will pick up the sportster doors ASAP



If you could, stop by here and pickup these post holes I'm shipping to Oklahoma.
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