I got the shaft from Hamilton Cams!!


New member
Feb 2, 2008
Ha! Made ya look!

I just wanted to give Zach a huge thanks for hookin' us up with a cam quick fast and in a hurry.

I've got a local diesel event comin' up and I'm working with John at Floor-It to get my truck ready, we ordered the cam (A slightly custom Big Stick) from Zach this week and it arrived today for me to come pick up!

I just wanted to say thanks for the quick service!

Can't wait to see what this cam will do for my truck!

Also... If you get a chance Zack hit me with a PM about how to get a case of your ZDDP additive.
Ohhh... And the instruction sheet was priceless! Nice to see some people in this industry still have a sense of humor... Been awhile since I've heard the term "Nimrod"... LOL

For those who don't know what I'm talkin' about I'll try to get a copy of the instructions scanned and posted.