I need an old priest and a young priest....

Amish Elegance

May 1, 2006
My truck is possessed.

I can lock the truck with the key fob, or the door lock and every so often I return and find it unlocked just waiting for someone to pilfer. So far, I've been lucky. It doesn't do this with enough frequency for me to easily diagnose, but rather with a spontaneity that is beginning to drive me to the outer limits of paranoia. God forbid I have to leave the thing at the airport for a day or two.

Do the lock switches occasionally short out? I know BDDL deletes skim key function, but anyone else ever have it nut out and start unlocking the truck? I don't know what to blame. Give me other ideas. Thanks!
You sure some evil person isnt parking near you with the same remote?
Nah.. happens different places.

Aside: 700 plus posts running threads into the weeds comes back to bite me. Thanks for the help, fellas. Karma 's a b!tch.

Any other ideas.
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Try having the remote battery replaced......... I know some keyless entry systems go whacky when the battery starts dying.
Tried that with the fob I use all the time. Other one is home in the drawer with maybe 10 clicks on it.

Thanks for the idea. Keep em comin!
Do you pocket the keys as you walk away? Maybe it's just the way the fob is riding in your pocket as you're walking away?
Mrs Shifter said:
Do you pocket the keys as you walk away? Maybe it's just the way the fob is riding in your pocket as you're walking away?

That is a good idea. I know that as my a** gets bigger and the pocket size stays the same, there is a lot less room for that FOB in my pocket. Sadly enough I have also taken the 'unused' keys off the ring so it fits better. :hehe: This desk job is killing my physeek! When I stab it into my pocket, I have had the PANIC go off before. Very imbarrassing.
Thanks for the idea Mrs. But in spite of my ass maturing the way Jory's is, i don't think thats the answer.

The thing did it last night, I walked past the key shelf in the entryway and wondered if I locked my truck. Being paranoid, I picked up the remote and gave her a click. Lights flashed, horn honked, I set the keys down and went to bed. This AM I leave for work and find every door unlocked. DAMN YOU TRUCK!

karma sucks huh? Ever think of taking it to the dealership?
It's Possessed.

May I suggest Washing it with this...

Try replacing the batteries in the remote.

I have no reason for thinking this will have any effect, but since you have no reason for it happening, might as well?
:hehe: I'm assuming that your doors are controled by a Central Timer Module (CTM) like the 01's and 02's. If so, I wonder if you can swap it out and see if that helps? Have you tried unhooking the batteries and resetting all that computerized bull corn? After resetting all your radio stations, maybe that would help? I can't seem to figure out by the shematics where the CTM is, but maybe someone else knows.
I'm not gonna be much help here, just thought I'd let you know about a similar situation. I have coworker who had a Nissan 350Z. The same thing would happen with the windows. He would come home, park it, go in the house and the windows would roll down. This would happen at the trip to the store also. Not everyday or everytime the car was driven, just enough to make him believe the car was possessed! He took the car to the stealer and they couldn't seem to fix it. The car was finally traded in for a different one and it's someone elses problem.
BTW, you didn't happen to install a used part of some sort that could have come off a possessed Nissan out of Texas, did you?
Jff24Gordn said:
Pull the fuse out. Amish dont need the fancy electronic stuff anyways.

I was thinking along those lines. Whats a remote lock good for if the horse runs away with the buggy anyway?