I need YOUR help

Hamilton Cams

Jun 28, 2007
Hey Guys I know the diesel community although growing is still fairly tight. Because of this I need a little help finding some stuff. Friday night our place was hit by some thieves. We had 4 trucks broken into. I am sure these people are part of the diesel community. Common thieves typically don't spring for gauges and diesel parts. If Anybody knows of anyone in the Central Texas area selling used diesel parts, gauges, or some 22.5 inch rims for super cheap prices, I would appreciate a heads up. In these economically tough times the people at the bottom of the barrel resort to lowlife acts. If you know the person(s) that did this, if you want to keep them healthy, please advise them against stealing from this particular diesel shop in the future.

thanks guys,

Zach Hamilton
That sucks man. I'll be on the lookout. Wheels off the red 3rd gen?
sorry to hear this happened zack i hope you find the guys and find a good tree to let them swing in.
Sorry to hear about this. Wish I lived in Texas right now so I could whoop some thievin a$$!! I hope you find out who did this and they get what they deserve.

5th time we have been hit, and yes it was the rims on the 3rd gen. It has to be someone in the diesel community. Lately they have gotten some turbos, an intercooler, rims, tools and other associated performance parts. Most common thieves are not this savvy on the go fast parts. A buddy of mine had his 13mm pump stolen off of his truck about three months ago. How many common criminals can steal a p-pump off of a truck? The crappy thing is that the cops around here either can't or choose not to be too helpful. This kind of police work is not revenue producing and does not require hiding behind a radar gun. Funny thing is they dropped a bag of cocaine on the way out. They are some real winners. Just a hint, if they have 22.5" rims and a bloody nose that has been freshly powdered it is them. If it happens again on a night I am camping out up here it is possible they could spring a series of leaks.

thanks for the moral support guys.

the p- pump is a bit of a person i the know---- but everyone knows/thinks turbos/and rims are expensive.....

Where are the cameras and dogs after the FIRST robbery?

hope you find/shoot them, sorry for your loss
that sucks hope you get the Pricks. wasnt for their bad habbits they could just buy the stuff.
Damn Zach, that sucks. I'll keep an ear out. I would bet the parts are not available around here, but further south. Freakin thieves.
Zach, if you need a stakeout man, Myself, Duece (Dog - Blue Lacy's love to follow blood trails), and my little bushmaster buddy should be able to get some results.

I know the style wheel now, and I got a buddy who is a craigslist fanatic, told him to be on the lookout.
The trucks were not in view of the camera. they must have parked in the field behind the shop.
Zack.....I will keep a look out since I am pretty much the last stop before the valley!
That is sad to hear. Hope you find the people responsible for this. Im in Florida but will keep my ears open. Good luck Zach!