ICP sensor ??


New member
May 16, 2009
I may have over looked something in my searching but are all ICP located on the back of the motor? My truck was built 10/03 I cant find the build date on the motor. It looks as if my ICP is on the RH valve cover. It has a small amount of oil in the plug, and my truck has a bad surge at idle and does not start like it should. I would like to fix this before I tear down to do my HG and studs.
The ICP is either located in the back of the high pressure oil pump cover or on the right hand valve cover.

If you have a sensor that is located in the passengers side valve cover (right hand side) then that's your ICP. The sensor should not have oil in the connector.
you can find the MY of the motor on the sticker which should be towards the rear of the pass side valve cover..it'll say whether it's an 03 or 04..

if your ICP is on the valve cover, it'll take no time to change it out..if there's oil in the connector, you can get a replacement pigtail for the harness and it'll be good as new..
Thanks, that makes it easy. Just wondering why the pigtail needs replaced? The oil does not cause corrosion. Why can't you clean the plug with electrical connection cleaner? I assume the part number is different for the valve cover mounted ICP. I saw on E-Bay two styles.
You don't have to change the pig tail. But and this is a Big But, many times the oil soaks into the rubber isolations and starts causing problems.
Since mine is on the valve cover I will just clean it and give it a try. The amount of oil is minimal. Thanks
If the oil leaked into the harness, it disrupts the signal going to the PCM. Its a piece of cake to replace, and you are most likely going to regret not doing it. Especially on one that is on the pass valve cover.
I'm in the middle of replacing my ICP pigtail right now. The new pigtail has three black wires, the harness has three purple wires. Does it matter which is which?
What purpose does the ICP serve ? I too have a bad surge at idle , but it seems to start fine.
Just an update. I installed my ICP sensor and all my problems were fixed. I did not replace the pigtail but gave it a good cleaning. Remember that mine is on the valve cover so later pigtail repair is not an issue. Thanks everyone for the help.
Well, when I had to change mine, it was on the back/side of the HPOP, and there was no way I was gonna do that ugly job again, so I changed the harness out at the same time.
I have an oil leak from the top of the motor running down the back of the block and collecting under the heads. Is that a symptom of a bad ICP sensor?