ignition problem?


New member
Aug 31, 2010
Last night I parked my 94 2500, and when i came out, it wouldnt start. I think I have a ground issue, as when I try and turn the key, either nothing happens or lights come on dim and very very slowly light up, but not as bright as normal. Also, theres something going on with the door switch that turns the dome light on, as it doesnt always come on. The weirdest symptom is that some of the time when I pull the key out, the radio lights up without the key in the ignition. It doesnt turn on, just lights up.
Just wondering if anyone could have any idea where to really start.
What do your batteries show for voltage? The radio "lighting up" could have drawn them down overnight especially if they are on the weaker side. Check your connections at the batteries. Make sure they're good clean and tight. Then check body grounds.

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first thing i did was check batteries. theyre good. hopefully Ill be getting released at a decent time today to have some time to dig into it before I bite the bullet and take it to a shop. thanks
get a meter and in ammeter mode look across the fuses (pull fuse, put leads in place) and see which circuit is causing the drain. then you can trace back and find where the short is.