II Super Dragon Flow (11 hole) with lift cut

Jul 2, 2007
Have 3 or 4 pulls on them and roughly 600 miles. In the box ready to go. My truck would leave a slight haze running down the road with these when it was really hot out. I stepped up from a Mach 6 to these and felt a noticeable increase in hp. So I'd guess they were rated at 220 to 240 hp? (These were in my 24 valve)

Only selling cause I'm swapping to a p-pump...

Cost $1200 new

$950 shipped to you...
We make these for P Pumps also. We can make them work very well for a Large P Pump. Thanks
Topfueler got anybody running your 14mm P-pump yet? Would love to see how much they fuel!
You know what you are right. I had been pulling with Mach 6's (rated at 220 hp). http://www.f1diesel.com/injectors24.html Then I ordered the 11 holes. I got some worked over 10 holes by mistake. They seemed slightly better than the 6's (only drove them on the street 2 days until the right injectors showed up). Then the 11 holes were a noticable step up in power from there. I know for a fact that pulling a sled it ran harder... Injector ratings only mean so much as the rest of your combo plays a big part.
I used to run a set of 11 holes and they need a lot of air. I'll bet they'd be wicked on nitrous.
Ok, I'll throw in a set of connector tubes that have the EDGE filter removed for the same price...
Topfueler got anybody running your 14mm P-pump yet? Would love to see how much they fuel!

we replaced a II 13mm pump at the shop 2 weeks ago and put on a II 14mm and the fueling is ungodly i was so amazed when the throttle is lightly feathered it was a insane blackout, probably have to pull the pump off due to the extremely hard fueling and think about putting it on a pulling truck. Idk may be able to throw on some smaller lines and play with it a little and see if we can tone it down some.