Injection pump fueling issue in OD


Cummins Nut
Sep 29, 2009
Ok... Someone has to be able to help me here. I hooked the fuel pressure gauge up tonight and I am running around 37 psi at idle and it dips down a little. The lowest I saw was 25 or so psi and the highest I saw was 42 psi or so. And when the truck hits OD it is still not pulling hard like it did. It hazes at WOT from take off til right before OD and then it kinda just loses something. Timing has been adjusted to 15, The GSK is set to the stock .040 protrusion, pulls like a mutha from 1-3 but just has nothing in OD. Tried today to adjust some on the shut down solenoid and nothing there either. Fuels pretty strong down low and then the more load it gets on it the more the smoke goes away... Which is opposite of what should happen. The fuel pressure being so high at idle kind of baffles me but... It is not too LOW so it shouldn't really effect performance. I really don't want to take this pump off to fix the issue. It starts fine, it idles well, it doesn't misfire, it just has a weak fuel issue that is not related to pressure. When it shifts into OD it actually will drop from 1400 to 1000 on the pyro. Also, I really watched the gauge as I was driving around now and I'd see it so high like it is and then when it really pulls hard top of 2nd gear thru most of third it would drop the pressure back to around 26 or so. Then when it hits fourth the pressure will come back up til lock-up and then is the same as no load. Kinda like something is really asking for fuel, then kinda relaxes its demand as the load increases. I'm starting to think its inside the pump.

Someone please give me some ideas... I am running out here. Anyone have a breakdown of what would make it max fuel in OD with full load? I am trying to figure out what I am missing here... Any help would be great! Thank you!!!
Loosening the starwheel a bit and remove some fuel off boost with the adj . screw.

Bump your timing to something like 16.5 it would help too.
Run the GSK in tighter, I run mine pretty tight to get the better pull in the upper RPM but makes it a bugger to drive.... Like to hop if your not WOT all the time...
I had the gsk tightened down to .75 before and it was acting like this. I got way more out of it the way I have it set now. It fuels hard down low now where it wasn't before, but it is the EXACT same way it was before. And no matter what I do, I can't shake this issue. And it killed my mpg by like 3 miles as well. It gets 12 - 13 mpg and it was at 16-17

Now I should state that this all began when I installed the gsk so I thought that may be the issue. But I have adjusted and checked and messed with just about everything and now I get better power on the bottom end, I just can't seem to get this hole to go away.

And I can't loosen it anymore than it is. I have it cranked forward and I have the housing slid forward. I could try to take the plate out but I don't think that is the answer here either.

I am so lost on these pumps...